Terms of Use Conditions d’utilisation
Welcome to The Independent Photographer, a web service aiming to share and bring exposure to the work of photographers. From emerging to established artists, we aim to inspire and connect like-minded people with a passion for photography. We promote and celebrate talent from all around the world.
The Independent photographer’s website (independent-photo.com) is operated and provided by The Independent Photographer (referred to as “We,” “Us,” or “The Independent Photographer”).
By using The Independent Photographer, you agree to the terms and conditions created by The Independent Photographer.
Please read the following User Agreement, Terms and Conditions carefully.
The Independent Photographer may amend sections of this agreement from time to time by publishing the changed terms and conditions on the site. By using The Independent Photographer website after we post amended sections of this agreement you agree to those changes. The Independent Photographer is a global community dedicated to bringing exposure and sharing the work of photographers.
By agreeing to this User Agreement, you are agreeing that the terms of the Agreement will be relevant and apply every time that you use or access The Independent Photographer site, or when you use any available tools. Some linked sites may have other terms that will be applied to you when or if you access them.
While using The Independent Photographer web service, you agree to not:
I. Post any request or content in inappropriate categories on the site.
II. Infringe on or break any laws, third-party rights or policies.
III. Fail to pay for services that you have received, unless the site has changed the services/pricing or a clear typo error has been made.
IV. Avoid the billing process or The Independent Photographer fees.
V. Post offensive, misleading, inaccurate or false information (personal or otherwise).
VI. Post spam or send bulk emails, unwanted chain letters or any pyramid schemes.
VII. Knowingly plant viruses or anything that may harm The Independent Photographer as a site or any of its users; post or send anything that is offensive, derogatory, profane or other means of abuse or harassment/anything that may bring harm to or incite the mistreatment of another
VIII. Copy The Independent Photographer’s content to display along with listings from other sites/use any part of our site onto another site without our written consent.
IX. Attempt to modify, change, disassemble or reverse engineer any software used by the site.
X. Copy or change rights or any other content from THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER site/ THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER copyrights/trademarks.
XI. Collect other users’ information, such as email addresses, without being given consent.
You are not allowed to use or access the site if you:
I. Are unable to enter into legally binding contracts.
II. Are under 16 years old.
III. Have been suspended from using the site.
Based on your local laws, a person who is over 16 years of age but less than 18 years of age is allowed to use the website once they have been given permission of the parent or guardian. Despite this, the parent or guardian is to be held responsible for everything that occurs on the site.
Users have the option to use a business name that will be associated with their submissions. Users agree that though a company name may be associated with their submission, the User Agreement holds them to contract, and not the business or company. Users agree that they will be the sole person responsible for any activity that occurs on their Account. The site has the right to refuse to allow an individual to register with us, based on our sole discretion.
It is The Independent Photographer’s policy to respond to any allegations of intellectual property rights infringement. Our copyright infringement policy seeks to make infringement claims as straightforward and easy as possible while reducing the amount of false or difficult infringement claims that we receive. It is important that, given you find that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon, notify/contact us and we shall investigate the situation.
You must pay a fee in order to enter the running Competition. We may temporarily adjust our fees in certain instances, such as for promotions (e.g., discounts on membership fees) or new services, and these changes will take effect when the promotion or new service is posted on the site.
We offer a $15 fee for 1 image, a $30 fee for 3 images, and a $40 fee for 6 images. All entry options provide the same rewards. The first-place winner receives a $1,000 cash prize. The second-place winner receives a $600 cash prize. The third-place winner receives a $400 cash prize. Each of the seven finalists receives a $100 cash prize. All finalists gain exposure through our platform.
THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER may show your company’s name, logo, pictures or video, descriptions, and profile as a part of advertising for THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER services or other marketing relating to the site. However, we may not do this in cases where you have asked outright that we do not, and we have agreed.
You are and shall remain solely responsible for all content, images, photographs, graphics, video, messages, files or other materials (“Content”) which is transmitted, posted, or distributed by you through THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER, including but not limited to the contents of your e-mail communications, information, photos or images posted by you and information, photos, images, sound files or other Content posted by you in a forum or other page. This means that you, and not THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available via the Site. Under no circumstances will THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER be liable in any way for any Content posted by any User or third party, including, but not limited to, liability for any errors or omissions in any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted via the Service. You agree to not post anything to which you do not have the rights. THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER does not own or control the Content posted by users via the service and, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content. You may be exposed to Content posted by other users that may be offensive, indecent or objectionable.
THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER will NEVER assume ownership of your work, and the artist’s copyright settings, as selected by the artist, will remain associated with each published project. Work submitted to THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER remains owned by the artist, under the artist’s selected copyright settings, and artists decide whether or not to sell their work to third parties – THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER does not act as an intermediary in selling creative work.
THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER does not claim any permanent ownership of the Content you submit. As a photography competition organization, however, we require a limited license to host and display this content, as specified below. For instance, it enables THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER to promote and showcase your work across THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s website, Social Networks and partner sites that present your work professionally – with link to your portfolio. We require a limited license in order to promote and showcase your content across THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s Network. The limited license below is required to allow THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER to host, display, organize, and propagate your work. By communicating with THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER, including submitting or sending Content, correspondence or other information or material to THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER (“Your Content”), you grant THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER a limited license for 3 years, or for the period of time your Content is published in THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s systems, to display the work royalty-free, unrestricted, and world-wide, across THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s sites, and THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s Networks. In some cases, media must be reformatted for display and incorporation into THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER’s galleries. As such, during this limited license, you allow THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER to reproduce, modify, publish, translate, distribute, perform and display your Content (in whole or part), and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. Such limited license also includes incorporating Content, in whole or in part, into a THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER feature or in promotional or marketing materials (respectfully and attributed properly to the artist).
You are aware of, and agree that:
I. THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER only operates as a medium for the distribution and publishing of content by users. We make no guarantee that content is actually available and present on the site. We have the right, but are not obligated, to take any necessary action as we see fit in regards to your user content.
II. We are not responsible for the deletion of content or failure to save/store any content that was or was not made available on the site itself.
III. All content that you submit to the site is subject to our approval or disapproval. We have the right to accept, reject, or change your content as we see fit.
You acknowledge and guarantee that your content will not:
I. Infringe upon any copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right or proprietary right or right of publicity or privacy.
II. Violate any laws.
III. Defame or be trade libelous.
IV. Be obscene/inappropriate or contain any type of child pornography.
V. Entail the design and manufacturing of any nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
VI. Contain anything linked to acts of terror.
VII. Contain false, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate data about yourself or any other user or person.
VIII. Contain viruses or other technology meant to damage or interfere with any systems or data in any way.
THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER may include or contain links to third party sites; however, we do not have control over the sites to which we link. We do not endorse any of the products, policies or content of the sites we link to. The use of third party content and sites is done at your sole discretion and risk.
You are not permitted to post your email address or other types of contact info on the site, save for when you enter your email for newsletter, at the registration page or as we may otherwise allow on the site.
If we do not provide another user’s contact info through the site, you are not allowed to try to contact other users concerning Projects or private affairs via email, phone, and other messaging or chat services such as Skype, MSN, and Yahoo.
The site is dynamic and changes with time. Due to this, info on the site may change often. It is possible that some of this info may be seen as misleading, offensive or inaccurate.
The site, THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER services and all of the content on the site are offered on an ‘as is,’ ‘with all faults’ and ‘as available’ basis. No warranties of any kind are explicitly or implicitly stated.
In no event are we, our related entities, our affiliates or employees to be held liable, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), or any other form, for:
I. Any damages that you incur, whether they be direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
II. Any loss of funds or profits, whether direct or indirect, that you incur
III. Any claim, damage or loss that you incur as caused any transaction that you make on the site
The limitations on our liability, as shown above, shall apply whether or not we and all of our related entities as aforementioned have been advised of the risk of such losses. We specifically limit our liability in the case of the breach of a non-excludable warranty implied by legislation to the
following remedies (the choice of which remains under our sole discretion).
Publisher: SARL THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER, Limited liability company with capital of one thousand euros (€1,000), with registered office at 218 B imp. Campane, 06250 Mougins, France. SIREN no.: 823 706 403 RCS Cannes, France. Publishing director: Mr. Richard Arthur Sfez. Hosting: Kinsta LTD, head office International House 142 Cromwell Road LONDON, SW7 4EF United Kingdom, telephone number +44-2032393173 and website www.kinsta.com.
Bienvenue sur The Independent Photographer, un service web visant à partager et à donner de la visibilité au travail des photographes. Qu’ils soient émergents ou établis, notre objectif est d’inspirer et de connecter des passionnés de photographie à travers le monde. Nous mettons en avant et célébrons le talent des artistes du monde entier.
Le site web de The Independent Photographer (independent-photo.com) est exploité et fourni par The Independent Photographer (désigné ci-après par « Nous », « Notre » ou « The Independent Photographer »).
En utilisant The Independent Photographer, vous acceptez les conditions générales d’utilisation établies par The Independent Photographer.
Veuillez lire attentivement les Conditions Générales d’Utilisation ci-dessous.
The Independent Photographer peut modifier certaines sections de cet accord à tout moment en publiant les nouvelles conditions sur le site. En continuant à utiliser The Independent Photographer après la publication de ces modifications, vous acceptez ces changements. The Independent Photographer est une communauté mondiale dédiée à promouvoir et à partager le travail des photographes.
En acceptant cet accord, vous reconnaissez que ces conditions s’appliqueront à chaque fois que vous utilisez ou accédez au site The Independent Photographer ou l’un de ses services. Certains sites liés peuvent avoir leurs propres conditions qui s’appliqueront lorsque vous les visiterez.
Lors de l’utilisation du service en ligne de The Independent Photographer, vous acceptez de ne pas :
I. Publier une demande ou du contenu dans des catégories inappropriées.
II. Enfreindre la loi, les droits de tiers ou nos politiques.
III. Ne pas payer les services reçus, sauf si les prix ou services ont été modifiés par erreur.
IV. Contourner le processus de facturation ou les frais de The Independent Photographer.
V. Publier des informations fausses, trompeuses ou offensantes.
VI. Envoyer du spam, des courriers en masse, des chaînes de lettres ou des systèmes de type pyramidal.
VII. Intentionnellement introduire des virus ou tout élément pouvant nuire au site ou à ses utilisateurs, ni publier ou envoyer tout contenu offensant, abusif ou incitant à la haine.
VIII. Copier du contenu de The Independent Photographer pour l’afficher ailleurs sans notre consentement écrit.
IX. Modifier, décompiler ou désassembler tout logiciel utilisé par le site.
X. Copier ou modifier les droits d’auteur ou marques déposées de The Independent Photographer.
XI. Collecter des informations sur d’autres utilisateurs sans leur consentement.
Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à utiliser ou à accéder au site si vous :
I. Ne pouvez pas conclure de contrats juridiquement contraignants.
II. Avez moins de 16 ans.
III. Avez été suspendu de l’utilisation du site.
Selon la législation locale, une personne âgée de plus de 16 ans mais de moins de 18 ans peut utiliser le site avec l’autorisation d’un parent ou tuteur, qui sera responsable de toute activité effectuée sur le site.
Les utilisateurs peuvent associer un nom d’entreprise à leurs soumissions, mais ils restent les seuls responsables de leurs comptes. The Independent Photographer se réserve le droit de refuser une inscription à sa seule discrétion.
The Independent Photographer s’engage à répondre à toute plainte relative à la violation de droits de propriété intellectuelle. Notre politique vise à traiter ces réclamations de manière efficace tout en limitant les abus. Si vous estimez que vos droits ont été enfreints, veuillez nous contacter et nous enquêterons sur la situation.
Vous devez payer des frais pour participer au concours en cours. Nous pouvons temporairement ajuster nos frais pour des promotions (ex. : réductions sur les frais d’adhésion) ou pour de nouveaux services, ces changements prenant effet dès leur publication sur le site.
Nous proposons un tarif de 15 $ pour 1 image, 30 $ pour 3 images et 40 $ pour 6 images. Toutes les options d’inscription offrent les mêmes récompenses.
Le gagnant de la première place reçoit 1 000 $ en espèces.
Le gagnant de la deuxième place reçoit 600 $ en espèces.
Le gagnant de la troisième place reçoit 400 $ en espèces.
Chacun des sept finalistes reçoit 100 $ en espèces.
Tous les finalistes bénéficient d’une exposition sur notre plateforme.
The Independent Photographer peut afficher le nom, le logo, les images, les vidéos, les descriptions et le profil de votre entreprise dans le cadre de la promotion de ses services ou de campagnes marketing. Toutefois, nous ne le ferons pas si vous nous demandez expressément de ne pas le faire et que nous acceptons cette demande.
Vous restez seul responsable de tout contenu (images, vidéos, fichiers, textes, etc.) que vous publiez sur The Independent Photographer. Nous n’assumons aucune responsabilité quant aux contenus publiés par les utilisateurs et ne garantissons ni leur exactitude ni leur qualité.
The Independent Photographer ne revendique aucun droit de propriété sur votre travail. Votre contenu reste protégé par vos propres paramètres de droits d’auteur et demeure votre propriété.
Cependant, en soumettant votre contenu, vous accordez à The Independent Photographer une licence limitée de 3 ans pour afficher, promouvoir et diffuser votre travail sur notre site, nos réseaux sociaux et nos plateformes partenaires. Cette licence permet à The Independent Photographer d’héberger, modifier (dans le respect de l’intégrité de l’œuvre) et diffuser votre contenu à des fins promotionnelles.
The Independent Photographer, ses partenaires et employés ne seront en aucun cas responsables des dommages directs ou indirects résultant de l’utilisation du site, y compris :
I. Tout dommage ou perte financière résultant de l’utilisation du site.
II. Toute perte de profits, directe ou indirecte.
III. Toute réclamation ou dommage lié à une transaction effectuée sur le site.
Éditeur : SARL THE INDEPENDENT PHOTOGRAPHER, société à responsabilité limitée au capital de 1 000 €, immatriculée au RCS Cannes sous le numéro 823 706 403, dont le siège social est situé au 218 B imp. Campane, 06250 Mougins, France. Directeur de la publication : M. Richard Arthur Sfez. Hébergeur : Kinsta LTD, dont le siège social est International House, 142 Cromwell Road, Londres SW7 4EF, Royaume-Uni, téléphone +44-2032393173, site www.kinsta.com.
Privacy Policy Politique de confidentialité
What types of information do we collect?
Based on the services that you use, we collect various types of information about or from you.
The information that you will provide while using our services, such as submitting images, and the information provided while proceeding to the submission. We also retrieve information about the way in which you make use of the service. This includes the types of information viewed, pages visited, and browsing duration.
The things that others do and the information that they provide
Similarly, we collect information that other people may make available by using our services. This can include information about you, which can be created by sharing an image, a picture of you, messaging you, or uploading, syncing, and importing your contact info.
Device information
We collect information about the devices on which you access our services. This depends on the permissions that you’ve given to us. If you use different devices, we may associate the information taken from all of them in order to give you consistent service regardless of which device you use. The following are a few examples of device info that we collect.
• Operating system, device settings, file names/types, hardware version, signal strength, and battery strength
• Geographic locations via Wi-Fi, GPS, or Bluetooth
• ISP, language, mobile number, IP address, browser type
Information from websites and apps that use our services
When you use sites or apps that use our services, we collect information. This includes info about those sites and apps, info that the site or app developer provides to you as well as info about your use of our services on those sites and apps.
Information from third-party partners
We receive info about you as well as about your activities on social media sites from our third-party partners. This includes information about your experience with these partners or any interactions that you may have. Please send us an email at support@independent-photo.com if there is any question regarding our terms.
Quels types d’informations collectons-nous ?
Sur la base des services avez-vous utilisés, nous recueillons différents types d’informations vous concernant. Par exemple, vos actions et les informations que vous nous fournissez.
Lorsque vous utilisez nos services, comme par exemple en envoyant vos images, nous recueillons les informations que vous avez fourni. Aussi, nous récupérons des informations sur la façon dont vous faites usage du service. Cela inclut les types d’informations que vous avez vu et la durée de l’utilisation du service.
Les choses que font les utilisateurs tiers et les informations qu’ils fournissent
De la même manière, nous recueillons des informations que d’autres utilisateurs mettent à notre disposition en utilisant nos services. Cela peut inclure des informations vous concernant, comme par exemple en partageant une image, une photo de vous, un échange de message ou le téléchargement, la synchronisation et l’importation de vos coordonnées.
Informations sur l’appareil utilisé
Par ailleurs, nous recueillons des informations sur les appareils à partir desquels vous accédez à nos services. Cela dépend des autorisations que vous avez nous accordez. Si vous utilisez des appareils différents, nous pouvons associer les renseignements tirés de chacun d’eux, afin de vous donner un service uniforme indépendamment de l’appareil que vous utilisez. Voici quelques exemples d’informations que nous recueillons :
I. Le système d’exploitation, les paramètres de l’appareil, les noms de fichiers / types, la version matérielle, la réception du signal et la puissance de la batterie
II. Les emplacements géographiques via Wi-Fi, GPS ou Bluetooth
III. Le fournisseur d’accès, la langue, le numéro de téléphone mobile, l’adresse IP, le navigateur
Données des sites web et applications qui utilisent nos services
Lorsque vous utilisez des sites ou des applications qui utilisent nos services, nous recueillons des informations. Cela inclut des informations sur ces sites et applications, des informations que le développeur de site ou application vous fournit, ainsi que des informations sur votre utilisation de nos services sur ces sites et applications.
Données des partenaires tiers
Nous recevons des données sur vous ainsi que sur vos activités sur les sites de médias sociaux de nos partenaires. Cela comprend des données sur votre utilisation de ces partenaires ou les interactions que vous pourriez avoir. Merci d’envoyer un courriel à support@independent-photo.com si vous avez une question au sujet de nos conditions.