Ages Of Us echo $NewDate; ?> A photography project by Dylan Collard
“Our age is a maker of our individual and humanities place in time.”
“Physically age has obvious visible effects and in the recent past I’ve done projects marking the beauty and elegance of old age. Beyond the lines and wrinkles of old age is an unseen life lived, a past filled with experience and learning, acquired knowledge and sometimes wisdom. In getting there we go through changes in our perspective, ideals and opinions, hopes and aspirations all influenced by our age.
Ages of Us is an interest in the process of ageing, the effects of that unstoppable process on our physical being and how our attitude, conscience, hopes, aspirations and desires change as we go through the stages of life.
Age is one of the great and incurable mysteries of science. We are told that lotions, potions, diets and lifestyle changes can slow, change and increase the effects and duration of this process but nothing can halt the inevitable destination.” – Dylan Collard
– The Location: California / The Bench:
The bench is the constant staying the same distance, angle and height to the camera at all times. In the left seat (to camera) I will sit persons 0 – 25 years, the middle seat 25 – 50 years and the right seat 50 + years.
Discover more of Dyllan’s work and the full project here: Dylan Collard – Ages of Us