LS VII echo $NewDate; ?> A photography project by Luca Tombolini
During the summer of 1941, at the height of the second world war, the white limestone hills of Pag island in Croatia saw the massacre of 4000 to 10000 people, the exact number is uncertain.
The prisoners corpses of Slana concentration camp were piled high in mass graves or thrown into the sea after they had been executed or had died by exhaustion. The notes from lieutenant Santo Stazzi, who took charge of the disinfection of the camp when it closed down in September 1941 tells a story of brutality, fear and annihilation (from Day 3 here).
“I’ve spent a lot of time walking on this peninsula: sharp stones, heat, the glare of white reflection, thirst, silence, peace. Time stands still when I’m there, the place radiates serenity and what happened only a few decades ago is inconceivable. But its presence is around; still, at night you breathe quietly and stare into the void. This is what they saw.” – Luca Tombolini
– Discover more of Luca’s work here