Portrait Award May 2021
– Theme: Portrait Photography / Competition Judge: Nadav Kander
Portrait photography has one of the oldest and most interesting histories that harkens back to the early days of the medium. Through portraits of iconic figures or ordinary people, we discover a deep interest in others. This award aimed to discover the most powerful and captivating images of today’s portrait photography.
Join us over on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where we’ll be sharing all our favorite images from the competition. Congratulations to all the talented photographers who made it to the final!
Jury's Feedback
1ST PRIZE: Owen Harvey
“I look at pictures that lure me. In my opinion, they lure me because they produce an “alchemy” that keeps me interested. It’s as if they ask me questions that I cannot answer, but it’s the questioning that is important…The conversation. This picture has me wondering … Why she’s there? what the look straight towards me holds? Her tight skirt, how old is she, should I be looking? Why am I looking? The prison-like bars behind her? Her red knees and bruises, her perfect face make-up. It’s a very well-taken photograph that allows the viewer to see the artist’s choices as well as the subject, which is another of my requirements to remain engaged.” — Nadav Kander
2ND PRIZE: Bob Newman
“This picture looks so simple but actually, I think is very complex. It works so well because of the format chosen which places the boy dead center, just as if I was standing there, staring at him. Every surface millimeter in this picture is distressed. The blue metal, the feathers, and feet of the cockerel, the boy’s face, hair, hands, and jacket. And then the best till last, the curious look towards me (the viewer) asking me to make sense of this. Is the boy distressed too? what part does the bird play? pet or pot? This is a picture really full of life, and I’m not sure what kind of a life.” — Nadav Kander
3RD PRIZE: Amy Woodward
“By virtue of the photographer’s intentioned yet delicate approach, the almost inevitable rigidity, and inauthenticity that traditionally characterizes staged family portraiture, is replaced with something markedly more sincere: a deeply intriguing and profoundly sensitive image that beautifully imparts the essentialities of the subject – love, tenderness, and care, whilst evoking the work of photographic greats like Mary Ellen Mark and Dorothea Lange.” — The Independent Photographer Editors
Judge: Nadav Kander
Nadav Kander is a London-based photographer, artist, and director, renowned for his portraiture and large-format landscape photographs. One of the pre-eminent portrait-makers of our time, he has photographed many of the world’s most iconic and influential figures, and his images have graced the pages and covers of countless international publications.
Over the course of his prolific career, he has received a host of accolades, most notably, an Honorary Fellowship Award from the Royal Photographic Society and, in 2019, the World Photography Organisation’s Outstanding Contribution to Photography.